Businesses - Makelaars, Bouwers (Brokers)
BuurtZoeker can provide Businesses(like Makelaars/Bouwers) a competitive edge by providing their clients with our comprehensive Neighborhood and House reports. Today’s customers are increasingly looking for:
- Crime score (calculated between 0-100) based on the number of crimes in the neighborhood. Higher the score, safer the neighborhood.
- History of crimes along with the types of crimes in the neighborhood over the past several months.
- Medical info like Number of GP (huisarts), Emergency GPs(huisartsenpost), hospitals in the area.
- Day care - Number of day cares in a 1,3,5,10 km radius.
- Recommended nearby neighborhoods characteristics along their crime scores.
- Amenities like restaurants, supermarkets etc. within 1,3,5,10,20,50 km etc.
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